Level: B (Menengah) Maya's new job at the antiquarian bookshop seemed ordinary at first. Cataloging dusty volumes and organizing shelves wasn't exactly exciting. But one…
Level C (Ahli) In the aftermath of a controversial quantum computing breakthrough, Dr. Amelia Rothschild encountered an anomaly that defied conventional physics. Her quantum processor,…
Like a phoenix from the ashes, I will rise again. Unknown According to legend, the phoenix is a magnificent bird that lives for hundreds of…
Days, Months, and Seasons (Hari, Bulan, dan Musim) 1. Overview Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita sering menyebutkan hari, bulan, dan musim, misalnya untuk menjadwalkan janji, menyebutkan…
Talking About Transportation and Travel Saat bepergian, penting untuk mengetahui cara berbicara tentang transportasi dan perjalanan dalam bahasa Inggris. Kita sering menggunakan kata-kata seperti bus,…
Level C (Ahli) Echo the dolphin loves swimming far from home. One day, he hears…
Level B (Menengah) Coco the parrot finds an old map in his owner's study. It…
Level B (Menengah) Felix the fox loves running at night. One evening, he sees a…
Level A (Pemula) Daisy the duck loves to explore the lake. One day, she sees…
Level A (Pemula) Sammy the squirrel loves collecting acorns. One day, he sees the biggest…
Level C (Ahli) Daniel wakes up, late for school. He rushes through breakfast, forgets his…
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